Unexpected Worldwide Sabbatical: A Writing Gift from Nancy Stohlman & Kathy Fish

ICYMI: A new craft piece and writing prompt I recently posted on the Flash Fiction  Retreats blog, “The Power of Juxtaposition & Creative Alchemy: A Microfiction Prompt”

Also! As we find ourselves in troubling, worrisome, uncertain times, Nancy Stohlman and I want to help you continue to create art. We will be hosting a FREE morale-boosting 30-day Flash Nano type event on our blog. Look for the 1st prompt posted by Nancy tomorrow morning, March 16th. Nancy articulates it so well here:

“So in all this uncertainly, there is something you can do: make art. The world needs artists more than ever in times of crisis. We are the visionaries. I’ve always said that I have no idea how the non-artists in the world handle their emotions! If I couldn’t journal, write, sing…I don’t know what I would do. We are lucky. We have our art.”

More details below:

Unexpected Worldwide Sabbatical: A writing gift to you in these strange times

Please join us! xo

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