Fast, Fun, and Free: Help me Beta test a two-week generative flash fiction workshop…

vintage-typewriter[HA, OKAY, THAT FILLED IN LIKE FIVE MINUTES…THINK I’LL CAP IT AT THE EIGHT PARTICIPANTS I HAVE NOW, BUT STAY TUNED FOR FUTURE WORKSHOPS! THANKS!] Who’s game? I’m going to run a two-week generative flash fiction workshop right here on my blog beginning Monday, June 15th. I need fellow flash writers (or aspiring flash writers) to help me Beta test this for possible future workshops.

So! The two-week free workshop will include:

* Daily prompts

* Reading suggestions

* Comments & Feedback on your work

* Opportunities to give feedback on each other’s work

* Suggestions on places to submit

The idea is to get lots of new writing done and to make it fun for all of us! I would like to limit the workshop to 5 participants. Respond here if you’re interested!

42 thoughts on “Fast, Fun, and Free: Help me Beta test a two-week generative flash fiction workshop…”

    1. Jen, it looks like I missed your response and it came when a lot of other people were added in, so I’ll add you to the group as well (it’s only fair). Details to follow!

    1. Hi Hillary! Unfortunately, this filled super quickly, but please stay tuned. I’m thinking of doing another one soon if this one is a success. Thanks for your interest!

  1. Jolene McIlwain

    I’m more than interested but it’s probably already filled.

    Sent from my iPad

    1. Oh, Pamela, this filled within a few minutes I’m so sorry! I’ll let everyone who has expressed interest if and when I do a future workshop. Thanks!


      Hi Pamela, I have a workshop coming up August 10 – 24th. Are you still interested? Let me know. You can email me at Hope you get this. I had no other means of contacting you. Cheers, Kathy

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